Aligns axes and combines a ggplot2 plot and table into a single plot. Can handle legends.
plot = NULL,
table = NULL,
plot.height = 1,
table.height = 0.1,
plot.width = 1,
legend.width = 0.2,
legend.offset = -15
- plot
A ggplot2::ggplot() object. If a legend is present, it will be extracted.
- table
A ggplot2::ggplot object. If a legend is present, it will be removed and ignored.
- plot.height
A numeric. Height of plot relative to table. Defaults to 1.
- table.height
A numeric. Height of table relative to plot. Defaults to 0.1.
- plot.width
A numeric. Width of plot relative to legend. Ignored if no legend present in plot. Defaults to 1.
- legend.width
A numeric. Width of legend relative to plot. Ignored if no legend present in plot. Defaults 0.2.
- legend.offset
A numeric. Vertical offset of legend box. Used to raise or lower. Ignored if no legend present in plot. Defaults to -15.
A ggplot2 tableGrob object. Use grid::grid.draw() to open in RStudio viewer. Works with ggplot2::ggsave() out of the box.
library(grid) # grid.draw() finished plot
# Data with group names specified
data_diabetic <- diabetic
data_diabetic$trt <- as.factor(data_diabetic$trt)
levels(data_diabetic$trt) <- c('None', 'Laser')
# Survival Model
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = data_diabetic)
fit <- survfit0(fit)
# Kaplan Meier (KM) Plot
plot_km <- ggplot(
data = data.frame(
time = fit$time,
surv = fit$surv,
conf.low = fit$lower,
conf.high = fit$upper,
strata = rep(names(fit$strata), fit$strata)
mapping = aes(x = time, y = surv)
) +
geom_step(aes(color = strata)) +
geom_stepconfint(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high, fill = strata), alpha = 0.3) +
coord_cartesian(c(0, 50)) + # Note scale set here!
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.02,0)) +
labs(x = 'Time', y = 'Freedom From Event') +
values = c('#d83641', '#1A45A7'),
name = 'Treatment',
labels = c('Laser', 'None'),
aesthetics = c('colour', 'fill')) +
# Risk Table
tbl_risk <- ggrisktable(fit, c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)) +
coord_cartesian(c(0, 50)) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.02,0)) +
# Combine KM plot and risk table
plot_cmbd <- append_table(
plot = plot_km,
table = tbl_risk
# Draw in RStudio viewer